Plant Data

Plant data used in spreadsheets for planning.

commonType commonName genus species indoorSow hardenTime outdoorSow perSquare spacing spacingNotes exposure soilPH soilTemp soilType maturity harvestNotes notes
flower Ageratum Ageratum 6 to 8 0
flower Corn Cockle Agrostemma 6 to 8 0
flower Amaranthus Amaranthus 4 to 6 1
flower False Queen Annes Lace Ammi 6 to 8 0
flower Sweet Annie Artemisia 6 to 8 0
flower Butterfly Weed Asclepias 10 to 12 0
flower Aster Aster 6 to 8 0
flower Calendula Calendula 6 to 8 0
flower California Poppy Eschscholzia Eschscholzia californica 2 to 3 0
flower Cardoon Cynara Cynara cardunculus 6 to 8 0
flower Safflower Carthamus Carthamus tinctorius 4 to 6 0
flower Castor Bean Ricinus Ricinus communis 6 to 8 1
flower Celosia Celosia 6 to 8 1
flower Bachelors Button Centaurea Centaurea cyanus 6 to 8 0
flower Chinese Lantern Alkekengi Alkekengi officinarum 8 to 12 0
flower Coleus Coleus 8 1
flower Corn Poppy Papaver Papaver rhoeas 2 to 3 0
flower Cosmos Cosmos 5 to 7 0
flower Drumstick Flower Craspedia 8 to 10 0
flower larkspur Delphinium 10 to 16 0
flower Sweet William Dianthus Dianthus barbatus 10 to 12 -1 to -2
flower Foxglove Digitalis 10 to 12 0
flower Eucalyptus Eucalyptus 10 to 12 0
flower Snow-on-the-Mountain Euphorbia 4 to 6 0
flower Forget-Me-Not Myosotis 8 to 9 0
flower Blanket Flower Gaillardia 8 to 10 0
flower Globe Amaranth Gomphrena 6 to 8 0
flower north american sunflower Helianthus Helianthus Maximillianii 8 to 10 0
flower Hibiscus Hibiscus 8 to 10 1
flower Hollyhock Alcea 8 to 10 0
flower Hyacinth Bean Lablab Lablab purpureus 4 to 6 1
flower Impatiens Impatiens 8 to 10 1
flower Lisianthus Eustoma 12 to 13 0
flower Lobelia Lobelia 8 full sun 65
flower Lupine Lupinus 6 to 8 -2
flower Marigold Calendula 6 to 8 1 4
flower Bee Balm Monarda 6 to 8 0
flower Nasturtium Tropaeolum 4 to 6 1 10-12 full sun
flower Petunia Petunia 8 to 10 0
flower Phlox Phlox 4 -1 to -2
flower Rose Rosa
flower Black Eyed Susan Rudbeckia 8 to 10 0
flower Painted Tongue Salpiglossis 4 to 6 0
flower Salvia Salvia 6 to 8 0
flower Pincushion Flower Scabiosa 4 to 6 0
flower Snapdragon Antirrhinum 8 to 10 0
flower Sunflower Helianthus 3 to 4 0 1
flower Sweet Pea Lathyrus Lathyrus odoratus 4 to 6 -1 to -2
flower Black Eyed Susan Vine Thunbergia Thunbergia alata 6 to 8 0
flower Mexican Sunflower Tithonia Tithonia rotundifolia 6 1
flower Verbena Verbena 8 to 12 0
flower Viola Viola 8 to 12 -1 to -2
flower Zinnia Zinnia 4 1
vine Hops Humulus
herb Basil Ocimum Ocimum basilicum 6 to 8 1 to 2 0 to 1 4 65-70
herb Catnip Nepeta Nepeta cataria 4 to 8 sun 70 85
herb Chamomile Chamaemelum Chamaemelum nobile 3 to 4 1
herb Cilantro Coriandrum Coriandrum sativum 9
herb Dill Anethumnara Anethum graveolens 1
herb Marjoram Origanum Origanum majorana 8 to 10 0 0 70
herb Oregano Origanum Origanum vulgare 1
herb Parsley Petroselinum Petroselinum crispum 9 to 10 -2 to -3 1
herb Rosemary Salvia Salvia rosmarinus 1
herb Sage Salvia Salvia officinalis 8 to 10 1 0 full sun 90
herb Savory Satureja Satureja hortensis 4 to 6 0 0 2 full sun 90
herb Tarragon Artemisia Artemisia dracunculus 4 to 6 0 0 50
herb Thyme Thymus 4
veg Artichoke Cynara Cynara cardunculus 8 0 to -2 fall 48" no sfg 6" to 8" long; no fiber
veg Arugula Eruca Eruca vesicaria 2.5 -3.5 -2
veg Aspargus Aspargus 1 12" no sfg 50 When buds are 2" to 4" in diameter
veg Beans Phaseolus Phaseolus vulgaris 3.5 2 2 9 trellis for pole varieties 60
veg Beet Beta Beta vulgaris 4 to 6 -2 -4 9 40 50-70 Up to 1/3 of the beet foliage can be harvested for greens without harming the root. Harvest when roots 2" to 3" in diameter
veg Bok Choi Brassica Brassica rapa 3 to 4 0 2 75
veg Broccoli Brassica Brassica oleracea 4 to 6 -1 to -2 -4 18" 4 per 9 squares 75 50-65 Harvest before yellow flower buds start to open, sIde shoots can be harvested after main head is removed.
veg Brussel Sprouts Brassica Brassica oleracea 6 -1 no 18" 4 per 9 squares 70
veg Cabbage Brassica Brassica oleracea 4 to 6 -2 to -4 -2 1 18" 4 per 9 squares 40 60-90 Harvest when heads are large and solId.
veg Cantaloupe Cucumis Cucumis melo 4.5 2 2 24" 2 with trellis 75-100 When mature, stem separates easily from melon.
veg Carrot Daucus Daucus carota no no -3 16 full / partial neutral 40 sandy 60-80 Harvest when orange shoulder pushes through the soil. ½" to ¾" at shoulder slow to germinate (3-4 w)
veg Cauliflower Brassica Brassica oleracea 4 to 6 -2 -4 1 18" 4 per 9 squares 40 55-80 Blanch heads when 2-3 across by carefully tying leaves over heads.
veg Celery Apium Apium graveolens 6 -4 2 1 40 Plant stands 12" to 15" tall; medium-thick stem
veg Chard Beta Beta vulgaris 4 to 6 -2 -2 4 40
veg Chives Allium Allium schoenoprasum 9
veg Collards Brassica Brassica oleracea 4 to 6 -4 -4 1
veg Corn Zea Zea mays 2 to 4 0 to 2 2 4 full neutral 60 loam
veg Mache Valerianella Valerianella locusta 4 to 6 -3 to -6
veg Cucumber Cucumis Cucumis sativus 3 to 4 1 to 2 2 2 trellis 60 55-65 Harvest plants every 2 to 3 days. Leave small piece of stem attached to fruit.
veg Eggplant Solanum Solanum melongena 6 to 10 2 to 3 2 1 75-90 Fruit should have shiny finish. SIde springs back when pressed
veg Endive Cichorium 5.5 -3.5 fall 70
veg Garlic Allium Allium sativum 4 or 9 90 Harvest when foliage topples over and dries or just before first frost.
veg Kale Brassica Brassica oleracea 4 to 6 -4 -5 2 55
veg Kohlrabi Brassica Brassica oleracea 4 to 6 -4 4 40 55-70 Store with leaves and roots removed.
veg Leeks Allium Allium ampeloprasum 8 to 10 -2 4 or 9 35 80
veg Lettuce Lactuca Lactuca sativa 4 to 5 -3 to -4 -2 4 35 45-60 Harvest outer leaves. Hot weather causes bitterness.
veg Mizuna Brassica Brassica rapa 3.4 -4 -5
veg Mustard Brassica 4 to 6 -4 16
veg Okra Abelmoschus Abelmoschus esculentus 4 to 6 2 to 4 2 1 50-65 Harvest frequently to maintain productivity.
veg Onion Bulb Allium Allium cepa 8 to 11 -4 fall 4 or 9 35 90-120 Harvest when tops fall over and begin to dry.
veg Onion Scallions Allium Allium fistulosum 8 to 11 -4 fall 16 35
veg Parsnips Pastinaca Pastinaca sativa 5 -4 -2 16 35 110-130 Can be overwintered in the ground. Mulch and dig before new growth starts in spring.
veg Pea Pisum Pisum sativum 3 to 4 -6 to -8 -5 8 trellis 40 55-85 Harvest when pods are long and thin as the seeds begin to develop.
veg Pepper Capsicum 6 to 8 2 2 1 60 70-90
veg Potatoes Solanum Solanum tuberosum no no -6 1 90-120 Dig when tops turn brown and die.
veg Pumpkin Cucurbita Cucurbita pepo 3 to 4 2 2 1 24" 2 with trellis 60 Harvest when uniformly orange. Leave 3-4 on stem.
veg Radicchio Cichorium Cichorium intybus 4.5 -3.5 -4.5
veg Radish Raphanus Raphanus raphanistrum no no -4 16 40 25-40 Radishes larger than 2 in diameter are often pithy and unusable.
veg Rhubarb Rheum Rheum hybrIdum no sfg 36" Stem 8" to 15" long is best
veg Rutabagas Brassica Brassica napus 4
veg Spinach Spinacia Spinacia oleracea 4 to 6 -3 to -6 -5 9
veg Squash Cucurbita 3 to 4 2 60
veg Strawberry Fragaria Fragaria x ananassa 4
veg Summer Squash Cucurbita 3.5 2 2 24" 4 with cage 60 50-60 Harvest when skin is soft.
veg Tatsoi Brassica Brassica rapa 4 -3.5 2
veg Tomatillo Physalis Physalis philadelphica 7 to 8 2 to 2 2
veg Tomato Solanum Solanum lycopersicum 6 to 8 1 to 2 2 12" 24" 36" 1 withstakes 4 with cage 9 no support full acIdic 50 loam 45-70 Foliage can be harvested for greens.
veg Turnip Brassica Brassica rapa 9 40 80-100 Harvest when belly turns from white to creamy yellow.
veg Watercress Nasturtium Nasturtium officinale 3 -2 -3
veg Watermelon Citrullus Citrullus lanatus 3 to 4 2 2 24" 2 with trellis 60 85-120 Rind should be hard and difficult to puncture with fingernail. Fruits are ready to harvest when stems turn from green to brown and begin to dry. In addition look for the undersIde — where the fruit rests on the ground — to turn from a greenish white to yellow or cream colored. Cut from vines with at least one inch of stem attached.
veg Winter Squash Cucurbita 3.5 2 2 24" 2 with trellis 60 70-105 Mature kernels exude milky sap when punctured.
veg Zucchini Cucurbita Cucurbita pepo 24" 4 with cage 60
herb Fennel Foeniculum Foeniculum vulgare 4to12inches 70 90
herb Quinoa Chenopodium Chenopodium quinoa 70 90-120
